Passalong Project provides dignity and empowerment through community service, volunteering, and engagement.
Passalong Project grew from a desire to remind the world that every person has purpose and value. The first project took place at ARCH shelter in downtown Austin in the fall of 2015 - persons experiencing homelessness created support chains for children having skull surgery. The participants asked for more to do, shared stories of help they had been given, ways they have helped others, and things they'd like to do to help more in the future.
Passalong Project was born.
It didn't take long to find more participant groups ready to offer their time and talent to the community - nursing homes, high need schools, adult day facilities, youth homes, and others all saw the value in the gifts their residents, students, and clients had to share. With each new community met and served, we learn how important it is to support each other in whatever way possible. Every person has something to offer!
Connolly Lees, Founder and Executive Director
Board of Directors
Mary Clare Alley
Jennifer Teague
Linda Kay